Abstract Submission

General Information:

This year the poster session will be held again in presence. This means that you will present your posters on site. You will receive further information regarding the format of the poster in due course.

Main Topics:

Guidelines for submission:

  •  All abstracts must be submitted in English.
  • Authors are responsible for the literary standard of submitted abstracts. If necessary, authors are recommended to seek help of English speaking colleagues.
  • Further, it is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract; any errors in spelling, grammar, or scientific fact will be published as typed by the author.
  • Standard abbreviations must be used. Other abbreviations must be defined in brackets after the first use of the word.
  • Please provide information on potential conflicts of interest.
  • Abstracts can be submitted for a poster presentation.
  • 2,500 characters (including spaces) is the maximum length for an abstract text (excluding title, authors and affiliations).
  • The abstract body should be divided as follows: Introduction – Methods – Results – Conclusions.
  • Please provide up to 3 references and 5 keywords describing your contribution.
  • Submitted abstracts can be re-opened for revision at any time before the deadline.